Veredas supports improving and adjusting governance structures based on national and international practices and proposes including human rights issues in the management system of companies and institutions.
We work with actions and processes that go beyond good intentions to consolidate themselves into effective results of change. A healthy work environment and fair institutional practices uphold and respect human rights, and organizations should commit to their promotion and implementation. Moreover, such commitment improves talent retention and productivity rates for companies and institutions.
- Development of institutional policies
- Internal Crisis Management
- Management of listening and reporting channels with a focus on harassment and discrimination
- Organizational planning and management, and definition of guiding benchmarksfor strategic planning
- Consolidation of structures related to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) commitments
- Support for attraction, selection, and inclusion of human resources with a focus on diversity
- Monitoring of internal policies and criteria for impact assessment
- Support for human rights certifications
- Advisory to leaders
- Assessment and correction of the work environment